CPEC termed as journey towards economic regionalization in globalized world

ISLAMABAD, Oct 06 (APP): The Federal Minister for Science and Technology Agha Hassan Baloch said the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a journey towards economic regionalization in the globalized world.

“CPEC will not only benefit China and Pakistan but will have a positive impact on Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asian Republic, and the region,” the minister said during a dinner arranged by the Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Mr. Nong Rong in honour of the former, the other day.

Sharing the details of the good bilateral cooperation, the federal minister stated that (CPEC) is a framework of regional connectivity.

The enhancement of geographical linkages has improved the road, rail and air transportation system with frequent and free exchanges of growth and people to people contact.

Both the federal minister and Chinese ambassador discussed the historical perspective of the good relation particularly in the field of Science and technology between the two countries.

It was discussed during the meeting that Pakistan and China are pursuing formal Scientific and Technological Cooperation after signing an agreement of Science and Technology (S&T) cooperation in 1976.

This Agreement is implemented through Executive Protocols. So far 18 (eighteen) Executive Protocols have been successfully implemented. 13 Joint Research Projects are under implementation under the 18th Protocol.

The two sides emphasized on the early holding of the 19th session of the Joint Committee on S&T Cooperation.

To deepen the bilateral S&T cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and CPEC the two sides signed an MoU on the establishment of Pakistan-China Joint Working Groups (JWGs) on Science, Technology in March, 2020.

The first meeting of the JWG on S&T was held on November 06, 2020 in virtual mode.

The second meeting of the JWG on S&T under CPEC was held on 20th April, 2022 in a virtual mode.

Implementation status of the main decisions of the two meetings of the JWG are as under:

1: Establishment of China Pakistan Joint Research Center on Earth Sciences at a cost of Rs.6.8 billion.

After signing of the Document of Understanding (DoU) between Chinese Academy Sciences (CAS) and Higher Education Commission (HEC), the 50 acre of land required / donated by Quaid-e-Azam University for the Center.
CIDCA and HEC signed an MoU on the Project of China-Pakistan Joint Research Center (CPJRC) on Earth Sciences on 21st March, 2022.
· The Planning Commission of Pakistan has approved the PC-I of the Project at cost of Rs. 7.397Billion
ii. Cooperation on STEM Education
Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) is coordinating with its Chinese counterpart for cooperation on Knowledge Corridor, STEM Education, Capacity Building and training through people to people exchanges. An MoU in the above regards is being finalized between the two sides.
iii. Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) between PEC and CAST
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) and China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) are working on an Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for cooperation of mutual recognition for engineers by two sides.
iv. Training of Pakistani Researcher through TYSP
So far more than 207 Pakistani researchers have availed capacity building opportunities in China in different Institutions through “The Young Scientists Program (TYSP)”.
v. Cooperation on Technology Transfer
An MoU on the Establishment of China-Pakistan Technology Transfer Centre at PCSIR is ready for signing. The center has already held two x Matchmaking Virtual Workshop themed on deepening China-Pakistan Cooperation on STI for CPEC respectively held on July 2019 and December 16, 2021.
vi. Cooperation on Technology Parks
A MoU between STZA and GreatWall Enterprise Institute (GEI), for Training and Capacity Building of policy-makers and decision-makers on S&T Ecosystem and S&T Parks is ready for signing subject to the concurrence of the Chinse side.
63 Personnel have received online training on Industrial Park in September 2021.

vii. Cooperation on the Joint Research Laboratories
The Southeast University of China and the University of Science and Technology Bannu are working on MoU for the Establishment of Joint Laboratory on Smart Disaster Prevention of Major Infrastructures at University of Science and Technology Bannu.
viii. Space Cooperation between China and Pakistan
MoST Pakistan and the Chinese Embassy in Islamabad are coordinating for holding of a celebration ceremony on the return of Pakistani origin seed taken by the Chinese Astounds into space in June 2022 for experimental purposes.